Dante di Josienne
I am writing to let everyone considering getting a Bengal know two things: 1-Bengals are a perfect fit for any family!!! They are gentle enough for children and adaptable to get along with other pets! Getting a Bengal will change your life in an incredibly positive way! 2. Jessica from MiawBengala is an absolute angel! She is incredibly knowledgeable, competent, and pours her heart into this company. She is kind, helpful, and goes above and beyond to assist you with whatever you need; whether it’s BARF meal prepping to contacting a behavioral cat specialist to get expert advice. If you are skeptical about getting from a breeder, DON’T BE! Because MiawBengala is the perfect place! I received Dante in January 2021 and he fits perfectly into our family. He is fun, playful, gentle, kind, crazy, and intelligent. My dog and him have become brother and sister. THANK YOU MiawBengala <3
Siamo commossi ed estremamente orogliosi di ricevere questo messaggio da Josienne che ha accolto nella sua famiglia Dante: assieme al marito ed alla loro Super Sweet Stella, che si è dimostrata una sorellona paziente ed affettuosa con il nuovo arrivato!
Grazie a voi, quando sappiamo che le famiglie sono felici con i nostri bengala, noi ci emozioniamo!